We Firmly Condemn the Introduction of Bullfighting in Schools: An Act of Barbarism that Must Be Stopped
Recently, we have become aware of the indignation of an event that will occur at the CEIP Los Zumacales, at Simancas, where the teaching of bullfighting to children of school age is being permitted. Even the pretext of teaching about “local crafts and traditions” is exposing children to an archaic and cruel practice that goes against the most basic values of compassion and respect for human beings.
Bullfighting is not a tradition but rather an act of torture and assassination for entertainment. It is unacceptable that violence against animals is promoted and normalized, and it is unacceptable that it is easy in an educational environment. The presence of a novelist and a carver at a school is an aberration that should not be tolerated in a society that is highly civilized.
It's time to put an end to this cruelty. We demand that educational authorities take immediate measures to prohibit the promotion of bullfighting in schools. This barbaric practice has no place in an educational environment, and teaching it to children is a cruel and irresponsible form of indoctrination.
Furthermore, it is crucial to educate children about the true nature of bouses. Sovint are presented as ferotges and aggressive, but in reality they are peaceful and vulnerable animals. During the curses, these majestic beings are subjected to extreme stress and are terrified by the objective of provoking violent reactions for human entertainment. The bull suffered enormously both physically and emotionally in this context, facing an inevitable destiny of suffering and death.
It is essential that children understand that the bull, just like anyone else who is alive, deserves to be treated with compassion and respect. They are not objects of entertainment nor instruments for human entertainment. They have emotions, they feel pain and they deserve to live a life free of pain and exploitation.
Animals are friends, not resources to be exploited for entertainment, wildlife or food. Teaching children respect for all ways of life is fundamental to fostering a compassionate and ethical society. We need to cultivate empathy and understanding towards animals from an early age, to build a world where all of them can coexist in harmony and respect each other.