Two literary novelties to promote veganism and animal rights
It is with great pleasure that we present to you the two new additions to our reading collection: “Animas entre les dentes” by Borja Duñó and “Sedition a la granja” by Lluís Freixes.
These two books offer unique perspectives on veganism and the treatment of animals, and we’re excited to share them with all of you.
Use this opportunity to explore important topics and start meaningful conversations.
Thank you for continuing to make possible our mission of raising awareness and promoting a vegan lifestyle for the respect of animal rights and against their abuse.
Ànimes entre les dents
Borja Duñó
Inspired by Orwell, Bradbury and other authors who have used fiction to deal with social and political issues, this book tells us about veganism without lecturing, but in a way that will shake some of our deepest certainties.
Animes entre les dentes is a novel of happy encounters and disagreements, with tense meals, dark humor and adventures, which tackles one of the most serious, uncomfortable and urgent problems of our civilization. The horror to which we condemned animals has turned against us and we can no longer pretend it doesn’t exist.
Sedició a la granja
Lluís Freixes
A dissection of the treatment animals receive in our homes and in the world, its consequences and what we can do to change it.
The list of moral grievances – torture in the name of science, culture, sport, fashion… – is endless and the pollution caused by animal exploitation, literally by land, sea and air, is nonsense that we are already paying dearly. But among all this selfishness, suffering and destruction that arises from the capitalism of deforestation and the whip – that of enslaving and the other – there is some glimmer of hope. Also in Catalonia, land of macro farms, correbous and foie-gras.